REVIEW | House of Hunger | Alexis Henderson

I adored THE YEAR OF THE WITCHING, but it turns out I loved HOUSE OF HUNGER even more. Alexis Henderson is just getting better, and I can't wait to see what else she writes. This dark, gothic horror is steeped in elegance and blood and creates an atmospheric tale that crept under my skin. Rating: 5 stars.

REVIEW | Leech | Hiron Ennes

This book has lived rent-free in my mind since the day I read it; and you need to buy it ASAP if you're a Gideon the Ninth fan - or if you just like complicated, eerie horror. I know that every time I read this, I'm going to find something new that I didn't know about before. It's just that deliciously layered. Rating: 5 stars.

REVIEW | Dread Wood | Jennifer Killick

This was an unexpectedly fun romp of a thriller. I picked it up as a quick read to break up my other reads because I had several very heavy and complicated epic fantasies on the go, and ended up reading the whole thing in one sitting. DREAD WOOD was not what I expected, but honestly? It was better, and I can't wait to read the next book in this series and see what happens next. If this book is anything to go by, it will be surprising, spooky and so much fun.

REVIEW | We Can Never Leave This Place | Eric LaRocca

I stumbled across YOU'VE LOST A LOT OF BLOOD on twitter and bought the ebook on a whim. It was a total cover buy, because I'm a sucker for horror book covers that are a little... gross. I read it in one sitting, then immediately listened to the audiobook for THINGS HAVE GOTTEN WORSE SINCE WE LAST SPOKE and made Andee read it too so we could talk about it. So when Eric LaRocca asked for reviewers for WE CAN NEVER LEAVE THIS PLACE, I stopped dead and read the whole thing immediately.

REVIEW | The Disorder Collection

I read The Forward Collection last year, and so far this year I've read The Trespass Collection, The Black Stars Collection, The Dark Corners Collection and The Hush Collection. I'm absolutely hooked on these speedy pieces of short fiction. They're available in ebook and audio via Kindle Unlimited, which is a great deal for lots of excellent short fiction. If you'd like to sign up for Kindle Unlimited, my link is here and at the bottom of this review. This collection is focused on a world that's almost ours, and gave me a real sense of uncanny valley.

REVIEW | The Hush Collection

I read The Forward Collection last year, and so far this year I've read The Trespass Collection, The Black Stars Collection and The Dark Corners Collection. I definitely can't stop now, I'm absolutely hooked on these short pieces of fiction that are perfect for passing my work days. They're available in ebook and audio via Kindle Unlimited, which is a great deal for lots of excellent short fiction. If you'd like to sign up for Kindle Unlimited, my link is here and at the bottom of this review. This collection is focused on lies and secrets that might have been better left buried.

REVIEW | The Dark Corners Collection

I am quickly becoming obsessed with the Audible Original Collections. I read The Forward Collection last year, and this year I've already devoured The Trespass Collection and The Black Stars Collection. But this one? Short horror? This is my dream. They're available in ebook and audio via Kindle Unlimited, which is a great deal for lots of terrifying short fiction. If you'd like to sign up for Kindle Unlimited, my link is here and at the bottom of this review. This collection is a horrifying look at the things that hide in the shadows.